Embassy News
Invest in Namibia Conference




Please visit the following website for more information.



The Ambassador of Namibia to Japan is inviting all interested Japanese companies and businesses as well as government officials, including members of the Diet (Parliament) of Japan, to participate in the Invest in Namibia Conference under the theme ”Promoting Investment for Inclusive Growth and Industrialization” on November 8 and 9, 2016. The Invest in Namibia Conference is being hosted by the Government of Namibia.

Namibia is a mineral rich country; the fourth largest exporter of non-fuel minerals in Africa and the world’s fourth largest producer of uranium. Namibia is also a primary source for gem-diamonds, in this case also considered to be the fifth largest producer of diamonds in the world. Apart from uranium and gem-diamonds, Namibia is endowed with other minerals: lead, tungsten, gold, tin, fluorspar, manganese, marble, copper and zinc.

However, the Namibian people cannot feed on the gem-diamonds or on the mineral resources that the country is endowed with. I am therefore calling on the Japanese people to join hands with Namibia, in using the Japanese technology and skills, to convert Namibia’s mineral resources into finished products which will contribute to the economic growth and development of the country.

The Invest in Namibia Conference will profile Namibia’s national trade and investment strategies as well as specific business opportunities in the sectors of Energy, Agriculture, Tourism, Manufacturing and Infrastructure Development.

A Project Center will be established to enable for bilateral meetings and group discussions, with on hand support to facilitate business deals. The Conference will also provide opportunities for interaction by both business persons and investors to network directly with their Namibian counterparts and government officials.

Namibia is strategic by its attractive location and as a growing trade and logistics hub is an emerging tourist destination and also an attractive location for industrial projects with access to the expanding markets of nearly 250 million consumers in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region.

You are welcome to join me to the Invest in Namibia Conference.

[Contact]      Ms. Mweneni Shiweda

                        Embassy of the Republic of Namibia

Tel:                 +81-3-6426-5460

E-mail:          embassy@namibiatokyo.or.jp

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